To learn more about
the Value Investing Model, see below.
How Does the Model Work?
The Model evaluates nearly 2,000 NYSE common stocks on a
continuous basis, by applying the Model's algorithm to each company's earnings,
stock price, and earnings/price volatility while normalizing these data
for the effect of price inflation. The purpose and result of the
Model is to put together and maintain a portfolio of undervalued
stocks, called the Stock Picks List.
The Stock Picks List changes as the Model takes new information into
account and as individual stock prices and general market conditions
change. For quantitative purposes dictated in part by the need to
accurately measure the Model's performance, the selection of stocks and
stock trades are normally timed to occur near the beginning of each
calendar quarter, i.e., about three to six weeks after most companies
have announced their earnings during the preceding quarter and after the
market's initial reaction to these announcements.
The Model is programmed to alter the criteria for stock purchases
when the stock market is not fully validating the Model's current stock
selections, by limiting the selection of new stocks on the Stock Picks
List to extremely undervalued stocks. At such times the Model
accumulates cash as the purchase of other stocks is deferred.
Otherwise, proceeds from stock sales are continuously
reinvested in stocks of the companies with buy recommendations on the
current Stock Picks List. Although the selection of companies on the Stock
Picks List has turned over several times since 1994, the Model's original
algorithm has remained unchanged. The results of the Model have
likewise remained consistent and positive. In summary, the Model
functions strictly and robustly by buying, holding and selling selected
stocks according to the buy, hold and sell recommendations of the Stock
Picks List as published quarterly.
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